It was some sort of shelter event at the school I, the boy, went to. The shelter employees brought all the dogs to play with the children- all of them. Even the unadoptable ones that were old or skittish, or a shapeshifting dog that craved blood. The kept the dog under a cover, and you could hear it growling and slamming against chains inside the kennel. I wasn't interested in the normal "boring" dogs that the other kids were playing and training with, I was curious about the kennel. I asked about it, and the shelter employee just was like "oh don't worry about him! He's still getting used to people! We rescued him from being euthanized, and he just needs some more love before he can be around kids-" And I was like! I can love a dog! So I snuck the keys and saw the dog. It was a large, brown and white bully mix, with chains and a muzzle. He had a 'spicy dog' warning tag on the kennel door. I free the dog from all of this, and ala horse girl style, I tame the shape shifting dog to love me. The other kids were very upset and the adults were very concerned. But the dog and I played together happily. He listened to me. Did tricks. And growled and bared his teeth at anyone who got close to me. This made me very happy, I loved having a protector. Eventually, it was time to go home, and I protested as they approached my murder dog with a rabies pole. He flipped shit and turned into a wolfdog, and proceeded to maul literally everyone except me. (Won't go into the gory details because. There were Details!) I got very worried about my dog- didn't seem to care that my classmates and everyone else had been deleted- would be taken away by the police. He looked at me, grinning wide, as I called for him to run away with me. We needed to get out of the city. We run just as I hear loud sirens. The scene cuts to the two of us in a public bathroom, cleaning up the blood. I had two bottles of black dye and was arguing with the dog. I argued he can turn into other dogs, he needs to turn into something small and inconspicuous to blend in. Just for a little while! He refused to give in. He didn't want small and inconspicuous, he wanted big and dangerous. Eventually, we compromised on a jack russel. I dyed my hair black and changed my clothes. Out in the city, trying to get to the outskirts to leave, people kept cooing and trying to pet my dog. Now that he was small, his snarling and snapping was seen as cute. Eventually, someone- despite me telling them please don't- picked up the dog. Feeling humiliated and demeaned, he turned into a tibetan mastiff, and the lady's face was no more. I tried to drag my dog off of her- not because murder was bad, but because we would be caught- but the dog didn't care anymore. He didn't join me for more suppression. He wanted freedom. (And murder). He turns around, blood soaking his mouth, and has malice in his eyes. I try to back up, but he lunges for my face next, and I wake up.
This dream appears to reflect a combination of themes related to power, protection, and the struggle for control. The shelter event symbolizes a situation in your life where you may feel a need for protection, support, or love. The unadoptable dogs, including the shapeshifting and dangerous one, represent aspects of yourself or situations you perceive as difficult or potentially harmful.
Your curiosity about the dangerous dog suggests a willingness to explore and understand these challenging aspects rather than avoiding them. By freeing the dog and taming it, you may be expressing a desire to conquer your fears or to embrace and integrate your own perceived dangerous qualities.
The dog's role as a protector symbolizes your desire for security and empowerment. It brings you happiness and a sense of safety, but it also isolates you from others, as symbolized by the upset children and concerned adults.
The scene in the public bathroom represents an attempt to clean up and conceal the consequences of your actions. The black dye and argument over the dog's transformation represent your struggle to control these dangerous aspects in order to fit in and minimize attention. However, the dog's resistance to becoming inconspicuous reflects a desire for authenticity and the need to express your true nature, even if it is seen as dangerous or unconventional.
The encounter with people cooing over the dog symbolizes the pressure to conform to societal expectations and the difficulties you face in hiding your true self. The dog's violent reaction to being picked up reflects frustration and a desire to reclaim power and autonomy. This may indicate your own internal conflicts between fulfilling societal norms and expressing your true identity.
The final confrontation between you and the dog represents a struggle for control over your own instincts and desires. The dog's attack on you may symbolize a fear of the consequences that may arise from expressing your true self or fully embracing your inner power.
Overall, this dream suggests a need for self-acceptance and balance between your desire for protection and power, and your need for connection with others. It may be important to explore and understand the potentially dangerous aspects within yourself, but also to find healthy ways to express and integrate them into your life.